
2017年12月5日—Uptonow,newsonOreo-basedLineageOS15.0hasbeenalmostnon-existent,butwe'reinapositionnowwherewecandocumentsomeofour ...,LineageOS(也稱LineageOS、LineageOSAndroidDistribution)是一個面向智慧型手機和平板電腦的自由、免費、開放原始碼的Android系統分支。它是深受歡迎的客製化ROM ...,LineageOS15.1Changelog.ThispageislistingtheofficialchangesanddownloadsforLineageOS15.1(AndroidOreo8.1).,2018...

Changelog 15

2017年12月5日 — Up to now, news on Oreo-based LineageOS 15.0 has been almost non-existent, but we're in a position now where we can document some of our ...


LineageOS(也稱Lineage OS、Lineage OS Android Distribution)是一個面向智慧型手機和平板電腦的自由、免費、開放原始碼的Android系統分支。它是深受歡迎的客製化ROM ...

LineageOS 15.1

LineageOS 15.1 Changelog. This page is listing the official changes and downloads for LineageOS 15.1 (Android Oreo 8.1).

LineageOS 15.1 (Android 8.1) 正式推出

2018年2月26日 — LineageOS 15.1 當然有齊各項8.1 的功能,包括Picture-in-picture, Autofill 支援, Notification Channel, Smart Text Selection 等等。LineageOS 本身亦 ...

LineageOS 15.1 (Android 8.1.0) for Raspberry Pi 3

2018年7月6日 — Here's my build of LineageOS 15.1 for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Model B+ (bluetooth does not currently work on the new plus model).

LineageOS moves to nightly 15.1 builds, monthly 14.1 builds

2018年11月12日 — The LineageOS team will begin releasing 15.1 builds on a nightly basis, while LineageOS 14.1 will be deprioritized to monthly builds.


LineageOS Android Distribution. A free and open-source operating system for various devices, based on the Android mobile platform. Get LineageOS Blog.

[LOS 15] Download Lineage OS 15 Oreo 8.0 Android One ...

Download Lineage OS 15 Android Oreo 8.0 For Android One (Sprout) . Lineage OS 15 Android Oreo 8.0 is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra ...